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Customer Testimonials

We love to hear from you with your feedback. Use the form to let us know what you think of our service.

Leanne, 12.2021, Fantastic experience! Having gone hoping for a referral to have what I thought was a broken toe x-rayed, I left with the real issue identified and sorted out, and am already enjoying relief from the pain and discomfort I've been having for months! A very thorough and really friendly service, and good value for money.

Katie June 2021 Thank you so much Kirsty for your service today! Such a lovely girl and my feet feel and look great! Would 100% recommend you to my friends and family. See you again in the new year x

Sophie, may 2021, Highly recommend Kirsty! Lovely lady made me feel so much at ease at something I were so conscious and afraid about. Helped me such a lot already and my nails are on the road to recovery now😁

Jess, feb 2021, I would really recommend Kirsty!

I’ve been back several times and she is always so helpful!

She makes me feel comfortable and at ease even with an uncomfortable procedure!

I would recommend her to anyone! Thanks Kirsty ❤️


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